úterý 21. prosince 2010

Alfa confrontation - Year One - Part 1/2

Na začátku svého vysokoškolského trimestru v Anglii jsem se začetla do docela zajímavé motivační knížky.
Ve třetí kapitole jsem narazila na takové cvičení, kterého jsem se (ke svému dnešnímu údivu) účastnila. Měla jsem vyjmenovat 4 věci, které jsem chtěla v nejbližší době udělat.
Ke svému ještě většímu údivu jsem si na konci trimestru uvědomila, že jsem je všechny dokázala.

Jak je to možné? Opravdu mi tohle cvičení pomohlo ujasnit si fakta? Motivovala jsem se jeho kontinuálním pročítáním během těch pár měsíců? Anebo je to... náhoda? Ať je to jakkoliv, rozhodla jsem se s vámi o své zápisky podělit. Třeba vás k něčemu podobnému inspirují. Jejich publikací si taky dávám možnost poreflektovat na toto období a posunout se dál. Vzhledem k tomu, že dopadlo úspěšně, určitě k začátku druhého trimestru vykouzlím nové schéma.

First, write down four actions that you need to take that you've been putting off.
-> Improve my speaking skills.
-> Decide what career to pursue.
-> Learn to cook. And cook.
-> Make money.

Second, under each of these actions, write down the answer to the following questions: Why haven't I taken action? In the past, what pain have I linked to taking this action?
-> I didn't practise often enough. I don't know how.
-> It takes up too much of my time. I get distracted easily. I'm afraid of what the future holds for me.
-> I'm afraid. I don't have enough recipes. I don't enjoy food.
-> Laziness. Comfort. I'm afraid of the responsibility.

Third, write down all the pleasure you've had in the past by indulging in this negative pattern.
-> I don't make mistakes. I don't become the centre of attention. I don't get judged upon.
-> I can dream of being anybody I want to be.
-> It's faster to eat precooked meals. I don't have to stay in the kitchen for too long. I don't have to worry about my figure.
-> I have more time for the things I enjoy doing. I don't have to worry about messing up.

Fourth, write down what it will cost you if you don't change now.
-> I will never be able to work in media. I will experience 3 torturous years at uni. I won't become popular. I won't have the confidence of a femme fatale. I won't be able to learn to speak fluently in other languages.
-> I won't get enough experience ahead. I won't be able to prepare ahead, use all my resources. I will end up with a job that will be below me.
-> I will be embarassed in front of my man. I won't be experienced enough to cook well as a future mother. I will spend more money. My immunity will be weak and will betray me again. People will refer to me as being anorectic. I will feel inferior to anybody who can cook. I won't be able to boast about my cooking skills.
-> I won't be able to stand up to my friends that make money. I will feel utterly dependent. My CV will look blank. I will look irresponsible to my future employers. I won't be able to buy things without feeling bad about myself. I will feel incompetent.

The final step is to write down all the pleasures you'll receive by taking each of these actions right now.
-> I will gain confidence. I'll become popular and respected. My tutor will recommend me to employers seeking graduates. I'll receive great references. I'll be able to improve in other languages. I'll receive better job opportunities. I'll be able to write in English and publish my works with a bigger probability of success. I'll be able to read faster and put people down with
my improved vocabulary.
-> I will use the library's resources to prepare. Join societies that will help me. Find a job that'll be related. Improve where I must. Talk back to those who disapproave of my course. Meet the right people. Plan my next steps. Seize opportunities before anybody else does. I will stop losing time pursueding things that'll never happen. I'll learn to manage my time accordingly.
-> I will feel more feminine. I'll improve in a different field. I'll be prepared to cook for my man/family. I'll be healthy. I'll spend less money. I'll feel much better about myself.
-> I'll become independent and responsible. Gain experience. My CV will look great. I'll have money to live on. My friends won't pick on me. I'll improve skills I need for my career.

V druhém článku bude následovat reflexe :)

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